Why We Strength Train
Strength training is something known to be overlooked or one of the workouts skipped when a week becomes too busy to train every day. If your week becomes extra jammed, it’s best to skip a shorter run so that you are able to focus on your weekly longer runs and your strength training. Runners build their base from the inside of their bodies with muscles and flexibility.
Reasons for strength training:
-Less chance of injury. When you do spend the necessary time in the gym, muscles are formed to help with impact and to protect your joints.
-Muscles help in propelling your body forward. This is because your body becomes stronger so that you are able to push harder and run faster.
-Your core becomes tighter. Your core will be engaged and to help the rest of your body / overall movement.
-Your post-run recovery time will improve with less soreness and the ability to feel as if you can “bounce back” quicker.
-Your physique becomes more fit. This will enhance your confidence and how you feel.
I usually give my clients two days each week of strength blocked around their schedule and when they do not have a long run the next day. Not everyone has a gym or gym membership and when that is the case, I am still able to create strength training workouts with what equipment they do have. The purpose and goal is to gradually and safely build strength so that goals are easier to obtain while becoming better versions of themselves.