Your Best Defense Is You

Runners, I hate being Captain Obvious here, but the best defense you can have as a runner is also the #1 rule of being a driver- Be Defensive. I’m not implying to get into a fight with anyone and anything you see along your run but we need be aware of where we are and what is around us.

You can be “lit up like a Christmas tree” crossing the intersection when it’s your right of way, but if the driver has their gaze elsewhere or they are looking down at their phone, they will not see you or even the traffic signal. It’s just plain and simple. No, I’m not telling you to disregard your blinky lights and bright colors as they are important. I’m just simply passing along a reminder to not assume that the car will stop or that they will see you because they are distracted for one reason or another. Do not assume that any vehicle around you has plans to stop for you to have the right of way.

If you are running a “wee early” morning run or a late-night run, also be mindful of the route and area you are taking. Take routes that you are familiar with and have solid footing and streetlights. It’s also a good idea to run in an area that is heavily populated with others. Being Downtown Charleston, if I decide to run at night, I am running down the busier streets that are lit and there are other individuals. Yes, I may have to do more stopping or weaving, but I am safe. Running the bridge is also a safe bet as it is also lit and there are always others walking/running/biking as well.

I also suggest in keeping your music down low to the point you are able to hear things around you such as cars and others passing by. This is also a courtesy if a runner is coming from behind to pass so that you are able to hear them and safely stride over to the side to allow them to pass.

Keep an eye out for things that do not seem normal to the area, if something feels off, pivot your route so that you are able feel at ease again. This is also a great time to remind you to never run the same route over and over and over again because there is a chance that someone could memorize your route.

If you are running solo, let someone know you are going out for a run and where you plan on running. There are also tracking apps that allow others to know where you are. I’m also a big fan of Road ID and I hope that mine never has to be used. It’s definitely a good idea to order one and wear it on your runs, or just all the time if you are known to forget to put it on before your run. They offer various styles and colors so that you are able to find one to fit your personality while being versatile for your needs and wants.

Running doesn’t have to be scary or something we should think twice about doing. We should, however, think about if we are being a defensive runner or not and make it routine to always be a defensive runner.


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