Stop Blaming. Start Doing!

Lack of Time. You make time each day to watch tv, scroll through Facebook, and attend social engagements. If you are able to spend an hour watching tv, why not begin spending part of that time completing a core workout or even stretching? Why not take your social engagement to the gym or to the pavement?

Finances. If you really want something, you will find a way to afford it. Trust me, I know for a fact the venti seasonal cream cold brews from Starbucks hit the spot on a nice sunny afternoon, but they do add up. Giving yourself an “allowance” will allow the chance to have funds for a gym membership and / or even a personal trainer. Also, it doesn’t cost anything to take a walk outside. Why not begin by walking to Starbucks for that venti seasonal cream cold brew?

Covid. A lot has changed within the last three years. Our bodies have become part of this change in one form or another. While some individuals took the time to focus on bettering themselves, others became immobile, or even more immobile, than before. There’s proof that exercise helps both mentally and physically. Why are you continuing to allow this to control your mindset?

Current / Past Injuries. There are various ways to workout and to remain active. Just because you are not able to currently able to do something you used to love; doesn’t mean you aren’t restricted of doing other things within your current means. Why are you allowing an injury to hold you back?

Fear. This keeps you from hitting your dreams and goals. Find ways to conquer your fear- recruit a friend, just try it anyways, find something that you would enjoy doing and just go for it. Why are you allowing the fear of something to stop you from getting to where you want to be?

Being Out of Shape. We all have to begin somewhere. Baby steps are what lead us to being able to hit our goals. Every fitness journey has a beginning and there are not two journeys that are exactly the same. What is stopping you from beginning yours?

It’s easy to put the blame on something else. But in reality, we should be blaming ourselves for where we are currently and use it as momentum to get to where we want to be.


Don’t just do it for the “Likes”.


Long Run Recovery